Thursday, September 27, 2007

Im a walking disastor!

It was just under a month ago when I was on crutches from falling down stairs at work and busting my ankle, now i go and tip head over heels in the car park at work =(

Fell and skint both my knees, scratched my right knuckles, grazed chin oh and wait - fractured my elbow!!! Its just a wee hairline fracture at the top of my raida bone so cant plater me up or anything (thank god!) so i have a coller n cuff to do me for at least 2 weeks and I have to start moving it or it will stiffen up = if I can stand the pain!!
At the moment I am unable to turn my palm face up as the pain just shoots up my bone! so im off work for the next few days, should be back Monday if i can grip the stearing wheel that is!!

Check out the bruise I have now =

could have been worse I suppose.


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