Ok guess you are wondering why?
Broken leg?
Broken ankle?
Damaged something?
Well I havent broken anything though by the pain I wish I had!!!
I have done some serious tissue damage to my foot just need my ankle bone!
Was walking down the stairs at work and went over on my ankle and down the next step to the landing (I was carrying a cup of hot water at the time and spilled it on my hand when I did it, but thankfully its ok!)
Did this about 10am and just worked through the day without any problems, until I went for lunch. It started to get sore and when I was sitting in the canteen I was getting restless and it was hurting no matter what position I had my foot. When I was walking back to the office I stated limping as I was getting unable to weight on my foot as the pain was getting excruciating!
Was hobbling about the office when I asked J to ask T who the first aid person was to see if they had a ice pack as the heat coming off it was unreal! I hobbled to the bathroom then hobbled back to see T in the office looking at as if to say "OMG what have you done?!".
Basically to cut a really long story short T drove me to Stobhill Hospital in my car, was seen in about 10mins of waiting in Casualty. Took to minor injury unit where the guy examined my foot - I almost hit the roof when he pressed on the sore bits, said that my ankle was fine and hadn't broken that but might have broken some of the little bones in my foot - X-ray didn't show anything broken, which I don't know if was disappointed with or not lol.
Got tubigrip and crutches and sent home with strong ibuprofrn painkillers and that was that!
T had to drive me home in my car so it would be home with me and not abandoned in Kilsyth, she got her dad to follow us through so she could get back home.
So yeah that was my big adventure yesterday afternoon! L came over last night to look after me (sweet) - got him to take me to Tesco so I could get some paracetamol and test out the crutches. God they are hard work to use!! My arms and hands are killing me today.
Not sure how long I will be unable to drive for and how long it will take to heal. Will be off work for at least a week I would reckon, but going to see if can get appointment with Dr Mon/Tue to see what the deal is.
Friday, August 17, 2007
I've got crutches!!!
Posted by
Miss Fee
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Bored at work...
.. yet again!!
I am having such a boring week at work! There is nothing to do and I dont even have anything for J to do!
Urgh hope it picks up next week when A gets back.
Quad biking was so much fun on Sat =) Even if we did arrive 6 hours early!!!!
We went out for dinner on Friday night to the Ghurker Brigrade in Leith, had a nice meal then basicaly an early night seeing as we had an early start on the Sat.
We left Edin at 7am and headed to Dunkeld - D was supposed to be doing her Zorbing at what we thought was 9am but it turned out it was 11am!! Got to Dunkeld at 8:30am so decided to head back down to Perth for breakfast. D gets a call from her mum to say that the Zorbing was cancelled (it was pissing it down!) and we didnt need to be in Dunkeld until 11:30am!!
By this time it was 9:30am so we had to hang about Perth for alomst 2 hours. By the time we got back to Dunkeld to get lunch everyone was pretty much grupmy and tired.
Lunch was over in about half an hour which meant we had to hang about for another hour until we had to go to the Quad Biking centre.
Have to admit once we got there it was great =) As it had been raining the ground was all muddy, we got covered in mud it was great!
The guy showed us what to do and got us to go round this track to make sure he was happy we could handle the Quads - then he took us the hill.
Me and D were at the back as we were so slow and at one point we lost the guys in front lol
I was the only one to have a wee accident. Was coming down the last hill and it was quite slippy and the breaks just didnt seem to want to work so i paniced and jammed ont the break, next thing i know i'm doing a 360 spin and facing up the hill with D coming towards me screaming "i cant stop!".
I have to admit it was scary but it was fun after the event =) I did hurt my leg - got a huge massive bruise on my left calf as when i did the spin my leg came off and whacked off the wheeel... ouch! could have been worse, I could have broke my leg!!
So all in all it was a good day.
Went to see "The Simpson's" on Sun with C & J. Have to admit I was a little disapointed with it. I really thought it was going to be more funny that it was, and I love the Simpsons!
Think that is me for the time being, I am work right now, supposedly doing work.
Have the worst migraine ever and just want to go home =(
Posted by
Miss Fee
Friday, August 10, 2007
So bored!
Having such a boring week!
A is off on holiday for 2 weeks and me and the new girl J are finding it hard to find work to fill the days!
She keeps asking me for stuff to do = which don't get me wrong is great, but I have nothing for her to do! Even I am struggling to find stuff to do once I do the sales side of things for A. I hope once A gets back things pick up, as I don't know what on earth we are going to get J to do! At the moment she is doing my job whilst A is on holiday - so I really dont have a clue what she will be doing when she gets back....
I suppose I should make the most of the quiet time as I just know things are going to just get manic, but I hate not having to do!
I am stuck here at work until 4:30pm on my own as everyone else is away at 1:30. But I have managed to get away 4pm so thats kinda good.
Off through to Edinbugh (as usual!) = going out for dinner tonight. L sister and fiance are coming up this weekend as we are going Quad Biking on Sat. So Im looking forward to that.
Well boss has popped in so I had better go and look busy!
Posted by
Miss Fee
Monday, August 06, 2007
The Case of the Ex
Ok a little thing I need to get off my chest...
It silly really but its bugging me something terrible!
So the bf has discovered Facebook, which is cool I'm there too along with a lot of my friends. But I just discovered that he is still quite pally with his Ex who now lives in Australia and is on there.
He told me all about how they tried the long distance relationship thing and it didn't quite work out and all that stuff, and how they get along great now!
But its bugging me that they keep in touch! I don't flaunt my ex in his face let alone keep in touch with him, but there she is on his page.
Urgh I don't know if I'm jealous or what - even though there is nothing to be jealous about, but I don't like how I feel about it.
Should I tell him that it bothers me or just let it slide and forget about it?
I know what I'm like though, I wont be able to forget about it easily... urgh! He doesn't keep in touch with any other ex - that I know off! But she was the one who he was willing to move half way across the world for and I think that maybe that is getting to me, as he made a comment about how he would love to move there someday! Cause I know she is there I made a comment that I wouldn't move that far away so least he knows that bit!
I feel a little better getting that off my chest - haven't said to anyone as most would just say I have nothing to worry about and I know that, but it bugs me!
Off to have a bath and relax - had a pretty busy day at work!
Posted by
Miss Fee
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Where has time gone!?
Sheesh I have been back from holiday as week and already it seems like a million years ago!
Had a great time in Turkey, though I'm not a 100% I would go back. It was geared way too much for the British and to be honest when I'm on holiday I cant be bothered with that!
Went to a Turkish Bath - god that was amazing! The oil massage was just great, made me feel so relaxed.
Also went on a boat trip when the bf's sister and fiance arrived and a Turkish night on our last night. Other than that we really didn't do anything apart from just chill by the pool and relax.
Got home last Friday night and was freezing! After just coming from 49degrees you would be too! Mum had got me the new Harry Potter book, had that finished by Sat night, and had to wait on L to finish it before could talk about it! =)
Been a bit of film buff the last week - went to see Transformers, Harry Potter OFP and Die Hard 4.0 Have to admit loved all 3, though was slightly disappointed with Harry Potter, so hope the last two films are better!
Been shopping in Livingston today and got myself a couple of DVD's so going off to watch them tonight as L is away out for his best mates stag do tonight. Feels weird not being with him now we are home as for almost 3 weeks we have been inseparable.
Never mind only 10 months til we get a place together =) yay!
Have a new girl at work - and I'm not really taken to her yet. Hope that changes as I am stuck on my own with her for 2 weeks whilst A is on holiday. The joys.
Anyhoo I cant be bothered typing a load as its all done etc so will leave this as a wee update.
Until next time
Posted by
Miss Fee